Heroism of Jewish Women During the Holocaust
Andrea Petö, Professor for Gender Studies at the Central European University, Vienna, talks with Lori Weintraub, Professor of History and founding director of the Wagner College Holocaust Center, Staten Island, New York, and Laura Morowitz, who is currently researching issues of art in Nazi Vienna about the different forms of Jewish women’s heroism. They discuss, why it is important to remember these heroines and what they mean for us today.

Welcome in Vienna, Central European University! A conversation with Andrea Petö, Professor for Gender Studies at the Central European University
Andrea Petö explains why the Central European University had to move from Budapest to Vienna and how this reflects the political situation in Hungary. In this podcast we also look back at the 4th International Bet Debora Conference, which took place in Budapest in August 2006 and was hosted by the CEU. Another topic of our talk is Andrea Petö’s research. Her focus are women in World War II: victims as well as perpetrators. She explains how these divergent topics are connected and why she thinks that it is important to reflect and talk about them.

Vom Wert des Lebens – Ein Gespräch mit Barbara Prainsack
Barbara Prainsack ist Professorin für Vergleichende Politikfeldanalyse an der Universität Wien und Professorin am Institut für Globale Gesundheit und Sozialmedizin am King´s College London. In ihrem neuen Buch „Vom Wert des Lebens“ tritt Barbara Prainsack für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für alle Menschen, die in Österreich ihren Lebensmittelpunkt haben, ein. Sie erklärt, warum dies gerade angesichts der durch die Corona-Pandemie ausgelösten Wirtschaftskrise notwendig ist und wie es die Situation von Frauen positiv beeinflussen würde.